Chapter 5. Working Hardware And Drivers

When I get reports of hardware configurations that are known to work with Linux/APUS I put them in this section. You can match these against your own configuration to get an idea of whether Linux/APUS will work on your box.

Note that things listed here are not necessarily included in the precompiled kernels.

In comments are listed the people who reported the information - if you have information about a driver currently not on this list (or conflicting information) please let me know.

CyberStorm/PPC and Blizzard/PPC boards:

Device Drivers:

Software Drivers:



The driver included in the precompiled kernel is an old beta. If you want the up-to-date version get the latest sources from the PM webpage (see Chapter 11). Don't expect the precompiled version to behave as described on the webpage!


There's a performance problem with the driver. It runs at 10% of the speed compared with the Amiga DOS driver.


You have to disable the use of BATs to map main memory. Add "nobats" to your kernel options. There are still some stability problems with this driver under Linux/APUS.


You have to disable the use of BATs to map main memory. Add "nobats" to your kernel options.